The logo of the Norfolk and Suffolk Nature Recovery Partnership

About the Partnership

The Norfolk & Suffolk Nature Recovery Partnership brings together 45 local organisations with a shared vision for protecting and restoring nature in East Anglia. It is convened by Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils.
The Partnership was created to develop the Norfolk & Suffolk 25 Year Environment Plan, and has worked with the University of East Anglia to create a comprehensive inventory of nature in both counties, The Natural Capital Evidence Compendium.
Now, because of the significant advantages of working closely with neighbouring counties in the development of Local Nature Recovery Strategies, the Partnership's main focus till mid-2025 is the development of a strategy for each county.

Read more about how this will be achieved below.
A view along the River Stour at Nayland, Suffolk.
How we're working together to create Local Nature Recovery Strategies for Norfolk and Suffolk

Supporting Authorities provide oversight for each strategy. These include 12 district and borough councils, the Broads Authority and Natural England.

The Partnership LNRS Steering Group represents a broad membership of key stakeholder organisations, and provides guidance and advise on strategy development.
Evidence & Expertise

The Steering Group operates in conjunction with six specialist Themed Working Groups and wider sectors of society to provide a wide range of experience and representation.

The Nature Recovery Partnership Manager co-odinates LNRS delivery teams from each County Council who are responsible for delivering a wide-ranging programme of face-to-face and online engagement, analysing data to inform the strategy and drafting the strategy document.
Further information about how we are delivering an LNRS for Norfolk and Suffolk can be found in our Terms of Reference.
Download Terms of Reference (Pdf)